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Inherited Jewellery

Jewellery inherited through the generations carries meaningful memories and a sense of continuity.

Inherited Jewellery

Jewellery inherited through the generations carries meaningful memories and a sense of continuity.

Mother and daughter with jewellery design in consultation

Redesign or Restore

Inheriting jewellery from loved ones is an emotional and sentimental moment in life. It’s a chance to continue a legacy, but sometimes that jewellery isn’t always wearable. It may have been passed down through generations and has slight wear, or quite simply it may not be your go to style.

This doesn’t mean it has to sit unworn in a box. But we understand how making changes to it can be a difficult decision.

Our team of expert designers and goldsmiths will offer you advice and suggestions on how to best restore the piece. You may be able to have a simple alteration or a full redesign of the metal and gemstones. This will keep all the sentimental value of the originals but gives your beloved pieces the opportunity to live on through more generations.

grandmother and daughter in jewellery studio

Creating an Inheritance

Passing on your treasured jewellery to the next generation creates a connection that will endure. Planning ahead and ensuring your heirs each receive a memento they will love and cherish and want to pass to their children is something we can help with.

We are experts so you are in safe hands both in terms of understanding how to preserve your legacy with new designs and ideas and with a wealth of experience in our workshop to put those ideas into reality.

Arrange a consultation

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