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Workshop and CAD

We are proud to be keeping the tradition of handmade jewellery alive.

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Workshop and CAD

We are proud to be keeping the tradition of handmade jewellery alive.

Goldsmith handmaking jewellery in workshop


We still value traditional skills of goldsmiths handmaking jewellery, which goes back centuries. Unfortunately many of these skills are being lost.

We’re dedicated to keeping them alive through apprentice schemes and promoting the idea that traditional skills work effectively alongside new technologies. Our team of experienced goldsmiths can, and do, create jewellery by starting with the very basic elements- wire and sheet. Then carefully hammering, shaping and working the metal into beautiful and intricate works of art.

This isn’t to say that all our jewellery is hand forged from bullion. Sometimes it’s more appropriate to start from a pre-cast part and add to it, or sometimes a bespoke project is better achieved via CAD. It all depends on the project and finding the best way to construct it.

Cad designer with computers

Computer Aided Design

Our CAD specialists work closely with the workshop, as goldsmith expertise influences the technical creation of a design. Whilst we’re passionate about handmaking, we also embrace the impact of modern technology in tandem. This ultimately means we create the best, long lasting, bespoke jewellery for you.

In a similar way, the CAD specialists also work closely with the designers. As a result they best interpret their hand-sketches into 3D models. Of which are created using cutting edge software and can be shared offering customers a perspective of how it will look. Then once the designer approves the model, it’s 3D printed into a wax. After that, the goldsmiths cast in precious metal in our inhouse workshop.


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