Choosing Your Wedding Ring
Advice on making the right choice with your wedding ring with some helpful suggestions as to how to go about the process of choosing.

Today it can be pretty overwhelming trying to decide upon an engagement ring, and you can often be left with questions like; Will she love it? Will it suit her? Does it say something about your relationship? But… what about after she has agreed to spend her life with you? What next? …What about your wedding rings?
Probably the best thing to do before beginning your ‘official search’ is to decide between the two of you what in rough terms you are looking for. It is often a good idea to have a little browse around to give yourself and idea of what you are after ahead of time. Have a look on the internet and in books and magazines to give yourself some initial ideas on what you do and do not like. Try to consider what type of look you would like to go for e.g. the metal, finish, profile, and width. Also try to bear in mind whether you would like to have a gemstone and if so what gemstone would you like, is there a particular carat weight, cut or colour that you prefer?
Of course the big question you need to ask yourself when considering your wedding rings is whether you would like to have a feeling of consistency in your wedding jewellery? Allot of couples today choose to have their items match in style with one another. Giving a kind of poetic sense of ‘oneness’ from your engagement ring, wedding rings and eternity ring as a set. Consider whether there is there a theme for the rings or whether you want these to have an individual style? Is each ring to be completely unique or do want a matching set of three? Don’t forget you could also at a later date consider having an eternity ring, try to keep this in mind as it might affect what you would like to go for too! Of course many men decide they would prefer something unique for themselves and instead choose matching items to correlate with the engagement ring instead. But of course you could decide to go for a unique style in each of your rings, it really just depends on your style and the message you want to send!
You may be asking yourself of course whether there are any unique ways to match your wedding rings, and yes of course there are! Put some thought into the type of wedding ring you would like and consider that certain elements of the design could mirror each other e.g. the metal, the metal finish, the profile, style could match each other. Fitted wedding rings have become a popular staple in the jewellery trade of late and are a particular favourite for unusually shaped engagement rings, this shape can even be mirrored by being engraved on the other wedding band!
There are so many fantastic options when choosing your wedding rings, just be sure to go for something that suits you as an individual and as a couple. Be open minded and you could end up with something truly unique!